National Children's Museum of Korea

Along with winning the competition to masterplan the new National Museum Complex of South Korea, Office Ou was awarded the design of the first three buildings on site, including the National Children’s Museum of South Korea.

The Children’s Museum is designed to be a place for kids to enjoy being kids to the fullest, but also for kids to learn and grow up surrounded by values of civic and environmental stewardship. Thanks to the museum’s forecourt and rear landscape, the experience of the place can change drastically from season to season, making it enjoyable and exciting regardless of the time of year and weather.

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BuiltNicolas KoffMuseum
Living in the Bocage Landscape

Office Ou has been announced as the winner of South Korea's International Competition for the National Museum Complex Master Plan of the New Administrative City (Sejong City). Chosen as the winning design among a field of 81 entries from 26 countries around the world, Office Ou's Sejong Museum Gardens will play a crucial role in shaping the cultural landscape of South Korea's new metropolis. The competition entry was made in collaboration with Junglim Architecture as the local architect of record.

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Sejong Museum Gardens - National Museum Complex of South Korea

Office Ou has been announced as the winner of South Korea's International Competition for the National Museum Complex Master Plan of the New Administrative City (Sejong City). Chosen as the winning design among a field of 81 entries from 26 countries around the world, Office Ou's Sejong Museum Gardens will play a crucial role in shaping the cultural landscape of South Korea's new metropolis. The competition entry was made in collaboration with Junglim Architecture as the local architect of record.

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To reconcile the client’s needs for a home that is both familiarly comfortable yet sustainable, this house develops sustainable living practices within accepted notions of domestic comfort. The house explores how we can harness our understanding of culturally-ingrained lifestyles in order to affect change, reforming perceptions of suburban comfort from within, and making the adoption of widespread lifestyle changes as seamless as possible.

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